Sunday, 15 July 2012

Making a Memorable Impression!

Personal branding!  In a world where there are so many products and choices, it’s not uncommon to feel overwhelmed!  Now job candidates strive to be remembered in much the same way you hum those catchy jingles for your favourite car or candy bar. 

So take some time to figure out what makes YOU stand out!  Get clear about what your values are and why you are the best possible match for the company or industry you are aligning yourself to.    

From the Experts:  how to leave an indelible impression in any chance meeting, networking event, conference or interview!

·         Personal Branding: 5 Secrets of Success from Guy Kawasaki
·         Fast Company Magazine:  The Brand Called YOU 

And all of this comes together in that good old Elevator Speech (or 60 Second Sell).
VIDEO/Article:   5 Real People Giving … 5 Truly Adequate Elevator Pitches  (with commentary by author.)  Non-intimidating!  You, too, can do this!!!

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